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International Impact Book Awards
"Congratulations on being selected as a winner of the 2024 International Impact Book Awards! This is a testament to your exceptional talent, dedication & creativity. Your work has truly made an impact in the literary world. "

Meet the author Miss Katt
An award winning published author who has written four books and published three of those books under the pen name Miss Kahatt and Miss Katt. Born and raised in New Jersey, and after serving in the US Army as a Drill Sergeant; Miss Katt returned to civilian life and started writing books about her life experiences and spiritual journey. After relocating to North Carolina, Miss Katt successfully graduated from Winston Salem State University with Distinction, obtained a few certifications in healthcare and started a small dessert business. Two of her books has been nominated for the Distinguished Author Guild (D.A.G) award. Those same two books has also been recognized by The Bookfest Spring 2023 awards! An honor bestowed upon many authors who are creating outstanding literary works. The Bookfest awards promotes and recognizes excellence in literature and the authors contribution to the literary world. Today Miss Katt enjoys spending time with GOD, hanging out with her two children, traveling, singing, dancing, skating, baking and cooking.
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